1st Take1st Take WWIIArchant Devon VE DayArchant Friendly Invasion and YCVSecond World WarSummer Offer £14.95Friendly Invasion

SKU: 07229


85 mins.

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Between 1942 and 1945, 3 million young American service personnel came to Britain and their presence over a short period of time would have a lasting effect on the communities they visited. This film examines the different types of relationships that were forged between the British public and their American guests at that time.

Some people worked with the Americans, provided them with accommodation, or lived near their camps. Others were affected by the presence of their war machinery, or their music, cinema and dancing. We see how they enjoyed their spare time; how they romanced British girls; the marriages that resulted from these relationships; and their strong bond with British children. It is an unbiased study, examining the bad points as well as the good, including racism. Ultimately, it attempts to recapture the atmosphere of a unique period in British history, based on the bestselling book of the same title.

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Weight 1 lbs
Dimensions 85 in

1st Take


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